Orange Tree Apartments
27285 Manon Avenue
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 783-2899
Property Manager
Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday 1-7
Saturday 11-5
Sunday - Monday Closed
Visits Welcome
Apartment Data
Type Bedrooms Baths SQ FT Price
Two Bedroom 2 1.5 N/A $CALL**
Three Bedroom/Garage 3 1.5 N/A $CALL**
**Additional Charges or Fees May Apply / Prices Subject to Change
To get directions to our location click the "Show Map":
* Subject to curtain conditions. Please contact the property manager for details.
Orange Tree Apartments
Come home to quiet enjoyment of 2 or 3 bedroom
townhouses. A gated community designed to offer a
quiet and comfortable atmosphere at an affordable price.
Imagine coming home and picking a fresh orange on the way
to your front door, where all the children can play in their own
play yard and you can relax on your private patio. Take a swim in our
sparking pool while laundry is drying in our clean and modern laundry facility, shoot some
hoops in the recreational area, or just have a picnic on the grass. Come see the difference of
family managed properties. Our goal is your happiness. Come and meet some of our happy
residents. Schools, shopping, public transportation are a short walk outside our front gates
and short drive to major freeways. You work hard for your money why pay more.
Please call or stop by for available vacancies:
(All units subject to availability)